
Mathematical Functions


Available mathematical functions.

*fraction Function

Convert double to fraction (omit fraction if already whole number).

*FROM_HEX Function

Convert hexadecimal data to binary data.

*FROM_HEXC Function

Convert hexadecimal data to string data.

*FROM_HEXN Function

Convert hexadecimal data to numeric data.

*FROM_OCTAL Function

Convert octal data to binary data.

*from_octalc Function

Convert octal data to string data.

*from_octaln Function

Convert octal data to numeric data.

*increment_normalize Function

Return >= 0 normalized character increment value, returns negative if formats do *not* match.

*increment_presented Function

Return presented increment value.

*rational Function

Convert double to rational.

*to_longint Function

Converts a number to a long integer.

*to_shortint Function

Converts a number to a short integer.

*to_ulongint Function

Converts a number to an unsigned long integer.

*to_ushortint Function

Converts a number to an unsigned short integer.

a5_enumapplicationdata Function

Enumerate data in application data folder

a5_number_format Function

Formats a number using the number formatter in the Alpha Javascript library.

ABS Function

Returns the absolute value of a number.

ACOS Function

Returns the arc cosine of an angle expressed in radians.

ASIN Function

Returns the arc sine of an angle expressed in radians.

ATAN Function

Returns the arc tangent of an angle expressed in radians.

ATAN2 Function

Returns an arc tangent angle (in radians) for all four quadrants

B_TO_KB Function

Returns amount in KB for bytes


Convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, TB...

CEILING Function

Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to a number.


Convert Centimeters to Inches

COS Function

Returns the cosine of an angle expressed in radians.

DTOR Function

Converts an angle expressed in degrees to an angle expressed in radians.

enum_drop Function

Drop an enumeration from the library.

enumeration_load Function

Return enumeration definition.

enumeration_play Function

Force an enumeration to be registered.

enumeration_save Function

Save a enumeration definition.

EXP Function

Returns the number e raised to a power.

FLOOR Function

Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to a number.


Convert inches to twips


Convert Inches to Centimeters

LOG Function

Returns the natural log (base e) of a number.

log10 Function

Returns the natural log (base 10) of a number.


Math_PI is a global constant (i.e. a variable whose value cannot be changed). It is equal to the value of PI ( p ).

MAX Function

Returns the larger of two numbers.

MIN Function

Returns the lesser of two numbers.

MOD Function

Returns the integer remainder of one number divided by another.


Convert pixels to twips

RAND Function

Returns a random number between 0 and 1.

ROUND Function

Rounds off a number to a specified number of decimal places.


Rounds a number down to the specified number of decimal places

ROUND_UP Function

Rounds a decimal number up to the specified number of decimal places.

RTOD Function

Converts an angle expressed in radians to an angle expressed in degrees.

SIGN Function

Returns 1 if a number is positive, 0 if it is zero and -1 if it is negative.

SIN Function

Returns the sine of an angle expressed in radians.

SQRT Function

Returns the square root of a number.

TAN Function

Returns the tangent of an angle expressed in radians.


Convert twips to inches


Convert twips to pixels